Web and Mobile Computing / Information Technology Area Head

Alan Mutka cropped

Web and Mobile Computing explores fullstack application development, emphasizing the visual aspects of design thinking and development life cycle to realize user expectations. All developers need to understand and comprehend the whole spectrum - back-end and front-end technologies - of the application development process. Our program provides this and more. The students learn how to design, build and cultivate all the different layers of application development which makes them incredibly valuable to employers in a field that has a higher-than-average projected career growth rate. They also learn how to integrate the server-side with the client-side to provide responsive applications optimized for mobile and desktop performance. In the process, students are presented with different languages and technologies to accomplish the same tasks and goals across multiple platforms. All of this serves the purpose of providing students with an in-depth learning experience in preparation of their careers in the field of web and mobile technologies.

Dr. sc. Alan Mutka
Web and Mobile Computing / Information Technology Area Head